
Showing posts from November, 2017

C program to print a string character by character using pointer

In this C program, we are going to learn  how to read and print (character by character) a string using pointer ? Here, we have two variables,  str  is a string variable and  ptr  is a character pointer, that will point to the string variable  str . First of all, we are reading string in  str  and then assigning the base address of  str  to the character pointer  ptr  by using  ptr=str  or it can also be done by using  ptr = &str[0] . And, finally we are printing the string character by character until NULL not found. Characters are printing by the pointer  *ptr . Consider the program /*C program to print a string using pointer.*/ # include < stdio.h > int main ( ) { char str [ 100 ] ; char * ptr ; printf ( " Enter a string: " ) ; gets ( str ) ; //assign address of str to ptr ptr = str ; printf ( " Entered string is: " ) ; ...